Safety Regulations

Safety Regulations

Safety of employees is perhaps one of the key defining factors of a healthy working environment. This fact is even more relevant when it comes to the infrastructure industry. With tough working conditions, it is important to have clear and comprehensive safety guidelines.
We at BUILDTECH® INDIA strive to make our working environment safe and healthy for our team and our client’s team. We work tirelessly on our processes and material used while performing constant evaluation for our operations to be current with safety standards around the globe.
Mentioned below are a few of the steps we take to ensure the safety of our work environment.

  1. Awareness: A worker unaware of safety regulations is risk not only to himself but for the work environment as well. Awareness campaigns designed to educate the workers of steps they have to take to ensure personal safety forms an important part of our safety plan.
  2. Training: Lot of the skills required for labour is learnt on the job itself, however safety is a sector where they need to be trained before they go on site. At BUILDTECH® INDIA, our engineers as well as our supervisory staff are trained thoroughly to both motivate labour as well as monitor them following safety guidelines and procedures.
  3. Communication: Clear lines of communication are imperative while designing a safety system of an organization. This enables the management to understand the risks and issues faced by the working staff in their day to day operations. Keeping this in mind, our staff are trained to observe and monitor the work environment and interact closely with the labour to better understand their needs and worries.
  4. Documentation: All our projects are meticulously documented including photographic documentation so that identification on points of improvement become easier and more efficient.
  5. Proper Equipment: Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds around the globe making the infrastructure industry safer and healthier. BUILDTECH® INDIA prides itself in actively keeping up with these advances and adopting them in our own operations as and when needed.

Following the above steps diligently, BUIDLTECH® INDIA has an exemplary safety record. However, we constantly strive to make our work environment safer and more sustainable. This is what makes BUILDTECH® INDIA stand apart.

Corrosion Control

Corrosion Control

The corrosion of structural steel is an electrochemical process that requires the simultaneous presence of moisture and oxygen. Essentially the iron is oxidized to produce rust. The rate at which this corrosion occurs varies greatly depending on external factors such as humidity and degree of pollution. Hence the corrosion preventive measures that need to be taken for structures present in cool and dry climate is relatively lesser as compared to the steps taken for structures in aggressive climates. These structures also need to be designed with maintenance in mind if extended life is required. The design and detailing of a structure also greatly influences the durability of any protective coating applied to it. For example, structures designed with small structural components and fasteners are tougher to protect than those with large flat surfaces. With years of experience to support us, BUILDTECH® INDIA specializes in both types of structures and constantly evolves the process to suit the project at hand.

While designing a suitable corrosion protective system the key issues to keep in mind include:

  1. Access to coating application and maintenance
  2. Avoidance of Moisture and debris traps
  3. Avoidance or sealing of crevices
  4. Drainage and ventilation to minimize the time of wetness

Surface preparation is perhaps one of the most essential first stage treatment before the application of any coating and is generally accepted as a deciding factor in the degree of success any corrosion control process would have. Surface cleaning not only prepares the steel surface but also makes it suitable for adhesion. Further, the performance of the coating is influenced by its ability to adhere to the surface material. BUILDTECH® INDIA ensures the success of the corrosion control measures it carries out by carefully monitoring the quality of materials used and each step of the process. Standard methods used to apply paints to structural steelwork include application by brush roller, conventional air spray, and electrostatic airless spray, depending on the project at hand BUILDTECH® INDIA used the best-suited method for an efficient and effective corrosion control method. Don’t settle for less. Go the BUILDTECH® INDIA way!